Friday, September 23, 2011

Fishy Jacobs

Introducing the newest member of the family- Fishy Jacobs! The kids really want a dog, but it just isn't going to happen. Hopefully this fish ties them over for a few years.

Cowboy Day

We had Cowboy Day with our playgroup this week. We dressed the kids up like cowboys and cowgirls, played rodeo games, and had a great time.

Taylor made this great cowboy vest.

Ethan loved playing the horseshoe game.

Taylor was in love with the cattle roping game.

Abby's 3rd Birthday

Cousin Abby turned three last week! She had a fabulous Cinderella party at her house.

Cinderella and Taylor

Did you know that Cinderella is a tattoo artist? She gave Taylor this super glitter tattoo that lasted forever!

Ethan loved playing on Abby's slide.

Story Time at the Mall

Every Wednesday our local mall has a story time near the food court. Last week we met Cousin Abby for story time. The story time is super cute. The lady has puppets and we sing songs as well as read books. The best part is that you get to ride the carousel at the mall for free, twice!!!

Summer Storm

I love the crazy thunderstorms we get in the summer in the desert. The kids were super impressed with the one we had last week. It lasted about 45 minutes and they were so cute watching it. They ran from window to window to see it. I didn't let them go outside (lightning = scary), but I did let them stand under the patio for about 5 minutes. They insisted putting on jackets, rain boots, and umbrellas. The temperature dropped down to about 70 degrees this day, but it is back to 100 now.

Watching the rain come down.

Ethan loves this pink jacket of Taylors!

Not sure if you can see it, but the rain came down in buckets.

Ethan's First Haircut

Ethan had a bit of a baby mullet going on so we got his haircut last week. He was really good and sat on my lap the whole time. It only took about 5 minutes and he was looking super cute! Taylor got a haircut too. It is amazing how long her hair is getting.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

1st Day of Preschool

I am so happy that I get to stay home this year and spend more time with the kids. The only problem is that Taylor is 3 now and most 3 year olds go to preschool. Which means that my little girl should leave me 2 days a week. I wasn't really to keen on this idea so we found some preschool classes at our local recreation center that are only held 1 day a week for an hour at a time. I am really impressed so far. The teacher is really nice and they do all the preschool stuff that you'd expect. They play with toys, do art, do letter stuff, and have story time. Taylor didn't cry when I dropped her off (I teared up ). The hour went by super fast. I peeked into the classroom a few times to check on her. She did great, but is definitely not the best listener (not the best at home either). Taylor seemed to be more interested in socializing than following directions. Oh well, I guess that is what preschool is for.
First day of Preschool!!!!!!

Ethan wanted to be in a picture too.

Taylor and her work from preschool.

Children's Museum

We went to the children's museum last week with our playgroup friends. We hadn't been there in over a year and the kids had so much fun. I don't know why we waited so long to go back.

Taylor and Ethan playing in the wind tunnel. Ethan was not a fan!

The bubbles were a big hit.

Making new colors with water and food coloring.

Playing in the airplane.

How many kids can we fit in the boat?

Washable Markers?

I got these new washable white board markers the other day and we were super excited about them. The kids love using the white boards, but they usually do it naked since regular markers stain clothes. Well, after letting all the kids in our playgroup play with them the other day we figured out they are not so washable. They are still fun to play with though!

Taylor and her animals drawing on the white board.
Ethan is a big fan of coloring too.
Taylor's picture of Greg

Taylor's picture of Momma

Taylor's picture of Ethan. I think this actually looks like Ethan!