Saturday, May 28, 2011


We have been getting a ton of corn in our bountiful baskets the last few weeks. We had so much that I decided to cook it all and freeze it for later. Taylor was a big help. She really enjoyed eating the raw corn right off the cob.

Water Park

Nikki and I rode the kids over to the park near our house that has water features at it. The kids are both a little scared to go in, but love to stand near it. We had to help them get wet. We really wore them out and they both fell asleep in the bike trailor on the way home.

Strawberry Boy

This boy loves strawberries. He eats them with every meal. The other day I put some in the cart and he started shrieking with joy!

80's Party

We went to an 80's birthday party for my friend Beth. We looked totally ridiculous, but had a blast.

Rear View Mirror

I love when I see this in my rear view mirror. They are so adorable when they are asleep!

Summerlin Ice Cream Festival

We went to the Summerlin Ice Cream Festival the other weekend. It was a bit of a disapointment, but we loved the ice cream and we got to meet our buddy Curious George.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Zion Camping Trip 2011

Every spring we go camping in Utah with about 30 of our closest friends and family members. We didn't make it last year because Ethan was only a month old, but we went this year. Ethan and Taylor loved camping. We are planning on doing more camping this summer since Greg and I will both be off for the summer.

Greg and Ethan
Taylor playing frisbee
Of course there was beer pong

Our little camper, Ethan

Our site had a huge open field by it for the kids to play

It was really cold this year (20 degrees at night) so we spent a lot of time by the campfire

Our little goofball, Taylor

Our family

Aunt Nikki and Taylor roasting marshmellows

Baby Ethan

Ethan loves Taylor's baby doll stroller. He is always trying to climb in it. The other day Taylor was pushing him around in it.

Field Day

Our playgroup had a field day at the park.  It was a gorgeous day and we had a great turnout.  The 5 year olds really dominated the games and won them all, but the little ones didn't seem to mind.  

Taylor doing the sack race.

The egg and spoon race.
The balloon toss (or just hand to your friend).
My little shadow. 
Taylor and her medal for doing a great job!

Ethan's Favorite Book

Ethan has a very odd favorite book.  Taylor is totally into Barbie and Curious George books, but Ethan's is not your typical book for a one year old.  Ethan's favorite book is a romance novel that I keep on a bookshelf in my room.  I've never read it(can't imagine why I don't have the time), but it must be good.  Everyday I put it back, but he always seems to find it.  He looks through it and is really fascinated by it.   


We celebrated Easter 3 times this year.  We celebrated once at home, grandma's house, and Nana & Pa's house.  To say that Easter was exhausting is an understatement.  We are so blessed to have so many loved ones around us, but it was hard work this year.  The kids had so much fun doing all the egg hunts and opening up their baskets.  

Family Photo
Silly Easter bunny hid Taylor's basket in the tub!
Ethan loved looking at the eggs.
We played in Abby's new bouncy house on Easter.
Look at all the stuff in those baskets.
We had an amazing dinner at Nana's house.
More egg hunts!