Friday, October 29, 2010

Playgroup Halloween Picnic

Our playgroup had a fun picnic Halloween party at the park. It was the most beautiful day and we had a blast playing at the park and trick or treating at our friends blankets.

My two cuties. Taylor was a pig and Ethan was a caterpillar.

We had a great turn out. There were a lot of mommies and kids.

Taylor loves playing at this park.
Mom and the munchkins.

We had the kids line up and go blanket to blanket to get their treats. Taylor was so thrilled to have candy. When we got home she was running around like crazy after eating all the sugar.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Party

Every year we go to our friends Chuck & Katherine's awesome adult only Halloween Party. Greg was a good sport this year and dressed up in a cheesy costume with me. The kids stayed with Nana & Pa and had a great time too.

Messy Eater

Ethan is the messiest eater. He loves to smear baby food all over the place. He thinks it is super funny. Although I don't mind the mess, I do mind the cleanup. Ethan hates to have his face cleaned. He shrieks like a little girl at the sight of a wet one.

Fall Festival

Our community has a wonderful Fall Festival every year. You can trick or treat at different booths, play carnival games, and there is even a pumpkin patch with free pumpkins.

Dad and Taylor hanging out on the hay bales listening to music.

Taylor is a lollipop fan!

Taylor and Greg trick or treating at a booth.

Mom and the kiddos walking to the park.

It was pretty chilly out so Ethan stayed bundled up in the stroller most of the time.

Taylor got this amazing balloon animal made for her.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Time

We love going the pumpkin farm every year. This was Taylor's third time, but it was Ethan's first. We got a few pumpkins and a bunch of other yummies.

Family photo

Ethan loved sitting in the patch.

Taylor enjoying an apple that she picked off a tree.

Playing in the patch.

Taylor found Ethan a little baby pumpkin that was perfect.

Our wagon was full of goodies. We picked pumpkins, apples, zucchini, sweet potatoes, and corn.
Ethan is almost 7 months old now. We love our little boy so much. He is so fun and loves to cuddle and play. He is growing bigger everyday. We took him to the doctor for his checkup and shots last week. She said that Ethan is doing great.

Ethan's stats
Height: 27.75 (75-90%)
Weight: 19.7 (50-75%)
Ethan can sit up on his own
Ethan is starting to crawl
Ethan has one tooth-it just starting popping up yesterday

Elizabeth Turns One

Our friend Elizabeth turned one last week. We helped her celebrate at her first birthday party. Taylor had a great time playing with Elizabeth's new toys and eating her yummy Elmo cake.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Little Teacher

The other day I was making some new sorting mats for my class. Taylor insisted on helping me. She was so proud of herself for gluing on the squares. She is going to make a great teacher someday.

Ball Pit

Taylor and Ethan got a new ball pit and have been having so much fun playing in it. Taylor loves throwing the balls all over the place. All her friends (Ernies and Babies) love the new toy too.