Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our Little Artist

We got Taylor a new watercolor paint set the other week and we have been having a blast painting with it everyday!

Our little artist

Taylor is so serious while she is painting.

Showing off her painting.

We definitely need to work on not mixing the colors.

One of Taylor's many masterpieces. I was very impressed by this one, but I am very biased.

Sandbox Fun

Taylor has always loved playing in her sandbox, but lately she has decided that she wants to bathe in it. She insists on being naked and loves to lay in the sandbox and poor sand all over herself. Sometimes she even pours the sand on her head.

How Old Is She?

Taylor has been having the best time revisiting all her toys that Ethan can now play with. Her new favorite is her old jumper. She has the best time jumping in it even though she is way too tall for it (I wish I could learn how to import videos on here, because they are funny). Ethan loves to watch Taylor play and cracks up constantly at his crazy sister.

Pedicures with Mom

Taylor loves getting her toenails painted. She hates sitting still for more than 10 seconds, but for some reason she'll sit perfectly still to get her little toes painted.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Love at First Sight

Taylor left this baby by Ethan the other day and it was love at first sight. He was so happy playing with the baby. At first he just stared at it. I think he was so excited that a toy looked just like him. Then he chewed on it for about 10 minutes.

First Haircut

We finally took Taylor for her first ever haircut. She had a blast. She loved sitting in the fire truck seat and she got to watch her rocket show while getting her hair cut. When the lady was done cutting her hair she didn't want to leave. Taylor now has bangs and her hair in not quite so stringy looking. Poor kid got her hair from me!

First Food

We started Ethan on solid food this week. As expected, he wasn't too thrilled with the rice cereal mush I made him. Now we've moved onto oatmeal and he is enjoying it a little more. Can't wait to see what he thinks of peas and green beans in a few weeks.

First bite of food.

He had a very worried look on his face the whole meal.

We gave Ethan the spoon at the end of the feeding and he loved chewing on it. We think his bottom teeth are coming in soon.

Snow White or Grumpy Dwarf

Taylor has really been into playing dress up lately. She got some adorable dress up clothes for her b-day and we found this Snow White dress at Costco for her to play in. She loves to put it on and tell me that she is a princess while she twirls around the house. Too bad every time I pull out the camera to take a picture of her she turns into Grumpy Dwarf. I do my best to get her to smile, but it is a battle.

Breakfast and a Walk

Uncle Mike and Aunt Cindy stopped by our house last week on their way home to Seattle. It was a very short stop over, but we loved seeing them. We ate breakfast together and then took a short walk. Taylor loves hopping on her bike and cruising the neighborhood.