Friday, September 26, 2008


Our friend Margie turned 30 last week. On Friday we went to a luau surprise party for her. Margie wasn't very surprised, but had a great time!
The whole family dressed up in their Hawaiian gear for the party.

It was a chilly 90 degrees out for the event. Thank goodness we have pools in Vegas/
Margie and her cake. Sorry Margie for telling the whole world how young you are now.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Family comes to visit

Taylor's family came to meet her this weekend. The whole family had a ball eating, swimming, and playing at Grandma Pam's house. Taylor loved playing with her cousins Lauren and Ben.

Are you ready for some football? Taylor is!!!!!

Taylor in her adorable Chargers Cheerleading outfit during the first Charger game of the season. She cheered them on the whole game. Too bad they lost!!!!!!

The whole family enjoyed the game.

Mom and Taylor smiling for the camera.

We had an outfit change at half time due to a blowout. Thank goodness Aunt Niki bought her more than one Charger outfit.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Feeling Alive and Turnin Five (Weeks)

One of these critters is an eating and pooping animal that cries when it wants something. The other critter is our cat, Kitty.
There are few things more precious that a smile that was not induced by gas.
"Hello. Is this Cold Stone Ice Creamery? Do you sell pints of milk?" Greg takes Taylor for her first evening walk around the neighborhood. They would have walked in the daytime but it's still 100 degrees in Las Vegas these days.
After about 20 feet of walking, Steffie commandeers the stroller and forces Greg to take pictures for the rest of the walk.