Saturday, February 28, 2009

Family Picnic

It was such a beautiful day today so we decided to pack up some yummies and head out to the Las Vegas Springs Preserve for a picnic. Taylor loves when Greg throws her up in the air. I know inside she is saying, "Higher Daddy, Higher"!
Taylor loved the synthetic grass. She kept rubbing her fingers in it.

Riding the turtle at the museum.

Mom and Taylor grabbing some sunny rays after lunch.

Dad and Taylor playing on the grass. Isn't that belly so cute!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Laundry Day

Taylor and I were very busy doing laundry today. My big helper loved rolling in the sheets (they were clean). She was fascinated by the holes in our laundry basket. She crawled right in the basket and didn't want to get out. I ended up tipping the basket upright and have discovered that the basket makes a great babysitter. Taylor was very content sitting in the basket talking to herself. I don't know why they charge over $100 for a pack n play. All you need is a $5 laundry basket from Target.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


This video clip is proof for all you non-believers.

Taylor really can crawl, she just hates to do it in front of an audience.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

We took Taylor to get her 6 month picture taken last week. We are so lucky to have such a happy child who loves getting her picture taken. We hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day!

Move over Kitty. There's a new toy in town!

Taylor's home sick today with her very first cold. In between fussing and sleeping I snapped these photos of her. She discovered the vertical blinds today. They fascinated her for over 30 minutes. Kitty walked by and Taylor didn't even give him a second look. Who new window coverings could be so much fun.

Monday, February 9, 2009

6 months and change

Taylor turned 6 months on January 31st, but her 6 month appointment wasn't until today. Here are her stats.
Weight: 16.0 ounces (50%)
Height: 25 3/4 inches (50%)
Loves: paper(any kind will do), food, books, kitty, and playing on her belly.
Hates: hats (but I love them), putting on clothes over her head, and laying on her back

Look who can crawl!

Taylor is officially crawling. She has been moving up to a foot or two for the past few weeks, but this weekend she decided to let us see her really move. She crawled all around the downstirs of our house. She was chasing the Kitty all over. The poor cat has patches or hair missing all ready from her. She is so proud of herself.
Crawling in the kitchen. I guess I'll have to sweep more now that she could pick up the crumbs we drop.

These items were moved from thier location moments after this photo was snapped.

She can move very fast now. As soon as I figure out how to put movies on the blog I'll post some.

She loves to crawl into the little holes and crevices around the house. One of her favorite new spots is under our bed. This used to be Kitty's hiding spot. I can't wait to see who will win this battle.


We went to a Superbowl party at some friends house on Sunday (Yes, I know it was like forever ago. We have been very busy). Taylor played with her friend Macy. They are 3 weeks apart. Taylor was a little scared at first. Macy is very agressive and Taylor is not. But in the end they had fun. They took turns scratching each other and chasing balloons.