Friday, August 29, 2008

Taylor Bean: Overexposed?

Grandpa Don takes a break from his everyday routine of sleeping to allow Taylor to take a stab at the family trade.
Greg, Ron, Pam, Nicole and Taylor enjoy some drinks at the bar, while Stefanie naps. (Actually, she's taking the picture, but that's not as funny.) Taylor stares blankly at the monkey in the tree while most likely wondering why her daddy is hanging upside down.
Eating, peeing, and crying take a lot of a 4 week old baby Peace Dawg.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Taylor's First Paparazzi Extravaganza

These photos were supposed to be in People Magazine weeks ago, but some stupid celebrity couple decided to have twins. Taylor's law team is currently filing charges.Nothing says "Baby Photo" quite like a bare butt photo shoot.

Apparently, Daddy isn't the only one the family who now has a picture of them passed out naked, with someone holding them up

Everyone enjoys a good head/foot massage.

Parently Advise to Taylor: If you pass out while someone has a camera, they will likely stage a photo or two with you in wild hat and go go boots.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Three Weeks and Counting

After growing tired of the endless nursery rhyme montage of "twinkle, twinkle little star," Taylor decided to check out what was happening on the "ol' boob tube."

If turning three weeks old upsets her this much, we'd better have the national guard ready for when she turns 40.
"Pass over the milk and no one gets hurt. You DON'T want me to use what's under this blanket. Do we have an understanding?"Here we see Taylor Eve trying desperately to change from her PJ's into her strawberry outfit.

Greg, the math teacher, has been working very hard to teach Taylor some early skills. Here we see Taylor modeling the number "4." She's a genious. (Note: It is possible that Taylor was modeling the number "14," but due to the fact that she could not comminicate this to us, we were forced to go with the more basic number. She's not even a month old. Give her a break.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pretty in Pink.

After much debate, Taylor convinced her parents that this dress fit her nicely and was more than appropriate for her morning trip to Target. Imagine what she would have worn had we gone to some place more upscale, such as JC Penney's
Chicco has now installed front, side and rear ruffles on their car seats for added protection in case of impact.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's bath time!

In the meteorologist world, this is known as the "calm before the storm."

So far, so good. (Note, no water has touched Taylor during this picture)

Water has now touched Taylor, and she is less than thrilled. Let's not make any Caribbean cruise plans yet.

Taylor Eve doing her best Mother Teresa impression during dry time.

Although Taylor enjoys her toys very much, she must always wait for Kitty to finish his time with them. Next blog, we will share Kitty's photos of how he likes to swing and use a binky...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Stefanie feels better, Greg is relieved.

Stefanie is 100% more happy today, as her spinal headache from the epidural is now gone! Basically, when she had the epidural last Thursday, her spinal column was knicked, causing her pressure in her head to lower a tad. This little fluctuation gave her a BIG headache, that kept her in bed for the last 3 days. After a quick treatment back at the hospital, (A blood patch of the spine), she is completely rid of that horrible headache. Now, the only headaches she should have are from a certain crying angel that seems to want to eat more and more.

What can I say....she's definitely our daughter...

Monday, August 4, 2008

It seems like only yesterday she was 3 days old...

Perhaps it's a tad early to be swinging.

Who's more nervous? Uncle Dan or Niece Taylor?
Auntie Nicky, Grammie Pammy, Taylor, and Grandpa Ron
Mommy, Baby, Daddy, and Grammie Becky
Uncle Jeff, Aunt Kate, and Taylor

Lots has happened in our lives around the homestead. Taylor went from the new girl in town to the leader of the pack. She now calls ALL of the shots in our house. Our little dictator has decided when it is time to eat. She has taken control of our sleep time. She even directs us as to when she feels like a change in diaper. It's amazing what kind of power you get when you're cute.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Home, Sweet Home

If there's one thing Dad knows, it's food.
It's time to go home!

Taylor knows that it's safety first when Dad's behind the wheel.

Perhaps a nap is in order before we leave.

Taylor Eve, looking stunning in her cloth body suit by Carters ($10.00)

Friday, August 1, 2008

And then there were three....

Stefanie right before the big day arrives.
Born: July 31st, 2:43pm
Height: 19.5 in
Weight: 7lbs 2oz
Health: Excellent
Likes: Mommy and Daddy
Dislikes: Being Naked, Baths, Thermometers

Mommy and Baby's first picture together.