Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Cake for Ethan

Taylor and I made Ethan his birthday cake on Friday. Taylor dove right in to the batter. This girl is just like her momma.

Mmmm this beater is the best.

Taylor loved watching the cake bubble up and get bigger. She kept yelling, "It's almost ready".

Its all done. Now we need to frost it when its cool.

The Bunny is Coming

Taylor is so excited that the Easter Bunny is coming. We've been talking it up big time this year. The other day we got out the Easter decorations and she thought he came. It took a few days to convince her that he did not come already. We had fun going through the decorations. Hurry up Easter. We are ready for you!

Taylor loved pulling things out of the Easter bin.

Last year Ethan fit in this basket. My how he has grown.

Miss Taylor in her Easter Bunny hat.

Pageant Girl

I think Taylor would make a great pageant girl. She is really into posing lately and with hair like hers she would certainly win!

All Boy

Ethan is all boy. He loves anything that is a car or has wheels. He has no fear of anything and now that he is standing and walking he is into everything.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Little Leprechauns

Happy St. Patty's Day
Taylor and Ethan

So Busy

We've been pretty busy lately so we have been neglecting our blog. Here's an update on what we've been up to.
Ethan is walking more and more each day. He loves to walk with his toys.

Ethan and the vaccum ran into each other. Ethan has a nasty cut on his forehead. It is jagged like a lighting bolt so I was calling him Harry Potter for a few days.

Taylor has been super silly lately. Her imagination has really been coming alive too. She is constantly telling me stories and is always playing dress up.

Ethan is teething like crazy. For months he has only had his two bottom teeth. Last week two top teeth came in. They are not the front two, so it looks like he has vampire teeth. Taylor and I called him fang all day today. I think he likes his new nickname. Don't worry, he won't look like a vampire for long. The top two and two more bottom teeth are ready to break through any day.

Taylor and Ethan love to play and wrestle now. They are so cute together.

Uncle Doug came to visit (not really and uncle). The kids really liked spending time with him and his super fancy ipad.

Ethan is all boy that's for sure. He loves this green truck toy we have. He gets the biggest smile on his face whenever he gets close to it.

Car Wash

Last weekend the weather was beautiful. My car was super dirty so we decided to wash it. Taylor loves water and she is great at scrubbing. Poor Ethan didn't get to join in on the fun. We made him stay in the pack n play for most of the time.

Bountiful Baskets

We've been getting all our fruits and veggies from a food co-op in town lately. Every week I order a fruit and veggie basket online and then we go pick it up on Saturday morning at a park down the street from us. It only costs $15 for both the fruit and veggie basket. Some weeks they have organic baskets and they are only $25. It is more than enough food and it is so fun to be surprised at what we will eat that week. Taylor has so much fun putting the food into our bags. She always insists on eating something right away.

Taylor loves playing with the food!

Our fruit basket: strawberries, pears, cantalope, mangos, bananas, apples, and coconut

Our veggie basket: asparagus, lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, and brocolli

Taylor and her bags getting the food.