Friday, June 24, 2011

Pool Party & Goodbye

My teacher friend Kathy had a pool party last week to celebrate the end of the school year with all the kindergarten teachers from my school and their kids. I left Ethan at home (didn't feel like chasing him around a pool without a fence around it, and honestly I wanted to be able to have a conversation that lasted more than 2 seconds). Taylor had so much fun swimming with all her "friends". It was a great party, but a little bittersweet. I won't be going back to work next year. I have decided to stay home with the kids next school year and be a stay at home mommy. It was really hard to say goodbye to all my fun teacher friends. I've worked with most of the girls for the past 5 years. We've spent so much time together it will be hard to not see them everyday.


It's hot here. I mean really really hot. Thank goodness both grandmas have a pool. I can't remember the last day we didn't go swimming. We also have this kiddy pool at our house. It sure isn't as great as grandma's, but it does feel good on your feet.

Potty Training

We have been in full potty training mode in these parts for the past 2 weeks. We are amazed at how well Taylor is doing. She totally has the potty thing down (we're still working on #2). She loves her big girl panties and we are very happy that we are not paying for 2 kids in diapers anymore.
The potty fairy came to our house and brought Taylor a new Barbie for all her potties she has been making.

Taylor loves popsicles and has been getting them along with m&m's and marshmellows as rewards.

Found her like this the other day. Just like Daddy.

This is Taylor's potty chart after just one day! She is a potty machine.

Bad Kitty

I know what your thinking. Yes, it is horrible to let your 1 year old ride the kitty, but our kitty is very naughty. I would personally never hurt an animal, but it is really funny watching our children do silly things to him. I guess it is just payback for all the messes and horrible things this cat has done over the past 10 years.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Memorial Day

Our community has an awesome Memorial Day Celebration with fireworks every year. This year we had a BBQ with the Rash family, Nana, Pa, & Nikki at our house and walked over to the park for the big fireworks show.

Taylor playing with sparklers.

Ethan like the sparklers too.

Ethan also liked dancing on the table for everyone.

Of course we had a ton of food to eat!

The "little" kids got to ride on the wagon to the park.

Ethan was impressed by the guy on stilts at the park. He made Ethan a balloon animal.

The Jacobs Family

Taylor had a blast running around and she even got her face painted.

Waiting for the fireworks to begin.

Watching the fireworks and trying not to fall asleep.

Computer Nerd

Ethan has found the computer and is in love. We have to put away the chair so that he won't climb up and play with the computer. He is so cute when he plays. He has this super proud look on his face.

Princess Bedding

Last week Taylor got new bedding for her bed. We were walking through Target and she saw it and fell in love. As most of you know, Taylor is not a big fan of sleeping in her own room or bed. We bought the new bedding in hopes that she would sleep in her own bed. It is working and she is super cute sleeping in her new princess bed!

Kite Flying

Taylor got a new Yo Gabba Gabba kite in her Easter basket. It was super windy last week so we rode our bikes to the park to fly kites. Taylor was really interested in it for the first 5 seconds, then was done. I also lost interest very quickly, but Greg had a lot of fun flying the kite.