Thursday, March 17, 2011

So Busy

We've been pretty busy lately so we have been neglecting our blog. Here's an update on what we've been up to.
Ethan is walking more and more each day. He loves to walk with his toys.

Ethan and the vaccum ran into each other. Ethan has a nasty cut on his forehead. It is jagged like a lighting bolt so I was calling him Harry Potter for a few days.

Taylor has been super silly lately. Her imagination has really been coming alive too. She is constantly telling me stories and is always playing dress up.

Ethan is teething like crazy. For months he has only had his two bottom teeth. Last week two top teeth came in. They are not the front two, so it looks like he has vampire teeth. Taylor and I called him fang all day today. I think he likes his new nickname. Don't worry, he won't look like a vampire for long. The top two and two more bottom teeth are ready to break through any day.

Taylor and Ethan love to play and wrestle now. They are so cute together.

Uncle Doug came to visit (not really and uncle). The kids really liked spending time with him and his super fancy ipad.

Ethan is all boy that's for sure. He loves this green truck toy we have. He gets the biggest smile on his face whenever he gets close to it.

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