Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nana's Birthday

Nana, Pa, and Nikki came over to celebrate Nana's birthday last week. Taylor and I made a cake for Nana. My little baker is an excellent taster and is getting better at her decorating skills.


We went bowling with Nana and Pa over winter break. The kids really liked playing with the balls but quickly lost interest with the game. Taylor insisted on using a pink ball even though it was way too heavy and Ethan just wanted to run down the lanes. After the 3rd time he tried and slipped on the slippery lane he figured out they weren't great for playing on.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all! We had some friends over to ring in the new year with us. We ate too much, drank too much, and managed to play a few games while 10 crazy kids ran around.

Taylor and Ethan fell asleep on the couch around 10:30, but all the other kids made it to 12:00.


We said we wouldn't take them to Disneyland until they were older and would remember it, but we lied. How can you deny your children this amazing place? I've gone to Disneyland 20+ times, but this was by far the best trip. Yes, it was busy since we did it over winter break, but it was so worth it! I've got thousands of pictures of our trip. If our computer wasn't so slow I'd share them all!
In the submarine to see Nemo
Aunt Nikki and Taylor driving the car
Nikki, Ethan, and mom on some ride
Waiting for the parade to start in our mouse ears.

Riding the carousel.
The castle is so gorgeous at night!
Taylor in her mouse headband and princess shirt that Aunt Nikki made her.

We went on Small World twice. They played Christmas music in it instead of the regular song. The kids loved it. Ethan kept saying more every time we go off.
Greg's cousin Cheryl and her family joined us one day to ride a few rides. They live about 40 minutes away from Disney-lucky!
We didn't ride the teacups. We just took a photo in them. My stomach thanked me!
Dumbo is one of my favorites and now it the kids too.
Riding in the Casey Jones Train. Ethan is in love with trains right now. All I hear is choo choo all day long. He was thrilled during the ride.

Disney Princesses

Taylor and Ethan loved all the rides at Disneyland, but by far their favorite thing was visiting the Disney Princess area. The princesses put on a great dancing show, have storytelling, and photo opportunities. We spent A LOT of time in the this area of Disneyland.

Ethan and Cinderella. I noticed that Cinderella didn't get down on her knees for any of the other kids in front of us in line, but she dropped quickly to give little Ethan a hug. I have a hard time resisting him too!
Taylor and Ethan with Snow White. Snow White remembered us from story time earlier that day.
Taylor was very happy at story time. Snow White told us her story.
Gathering around the maypole after the Princess celebration.
Taylor and her favorite princess, Sleeping Beauty
This girl loved Disneyland!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Off to Disneyland We Go

Nana made the kids these super cute sweatshirts with Mickey on them. The kids love them and they are perfect for our Disneyland trip.

Christmas with the Steele Family

By Christmas evening we were pretty tired, but we were not going to let that slow us down. We had Nana, Pa, Nikki, and Grandpa Fred over for dinner. It was a perfect ending to a super day. We opened up even more presents and played with all our new toys.
The kids with their Nana, Pa, and Grandpa Fred
More toys! Oh boy.
Taylor modeled her new princess shirt from Aunt Nikki
Opening up presents was so much fun. By the evening we were pros.
Family photo. Merry Christmas!

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was amazing! The kids were so excited for Christmas this year. We all woke up at 6:30 to celebrate as a family before going over to Grandma's house.

Opening up presents with Dad
Santa was very generous this year. There were so many presents under the tree.
Our stockings were very full!
Taylor ripped through her presents so fast this year.
Our future photographer. Some day I will post some of his pictures. Right now all he does is take pictures of carpet.
Taylor on her new big girl barbie bike.
Ethan on his new quad

Christmas with the Jacobs Fam

We spent Christmas morning with Greg's family. We ate way too much and opened lots of presents. Greg's cousin and his family came in from San Diego to celebrate with us this year and it was so much fun to have another little one around.
Grandma Becky and the kids
Playing Hungry Hungry Hippos with Julie

Guess who likes bagels and cream cheese?
Opening up presents!
This picture is from the day before Christmas. We had everyone over for pizza.