Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Abby Turns 1

Taylor's Cousin Abby had her first birthday party on Sunday. Here's the birthday girl ready to enjoy her cupcake. Taylor loved playing in Abby's new ballpit.
Taylor and the other baby's making a mess.
Abby's monkey cake.Opening up presents. Taylor enjoyed playing with all of them too!
Family photo.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Last weekend we went over to the Carafelli's house to meet their new baby. We had a great time. I of course spent most of my time holding baby Elle while Taylor and her friend Grace played together. Taylor loves Grace. She follows her around and is just fascinated by her.GorgeousElle weighed under 6 pounds at birth. She is the tiniest baby I have ever held.Grace and Taylor played in the water table together. Grace is quite the character.
Taylor loves laughing at Grace.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Life is Rough

Life is pretty rough these days!

Margie's Baby Shower

Taylor and I had a baby shower for my friend Margie the other weekend. Margie is due in October and we can't wait to meet her little girl.
Taylor is ready for the party to begin.

The party has begun! Taylor and Grandma Pam spent most of the party upstairs. You can figure out why I'm sure.

We had a full house for the party.

Margie opening up one of her many gifts.

Margie's amazing baby shower cake. No, I did not make it. Margie's mom brought it to the shower and it tasted even better than it looked.

Cool Car

Taylor got this fabulous car for her birthday. We have been having so much fun playing with it for the past few weeks. She hasn't figured out how to make it mover herself so I push her around in it. Since it is still over 100 degrees everyday here it is an inside toy for now. Our wood floors are not the happiest with it, but Taylor sure is.Sometimes we drive our car in the nude! Sometimes we go backwards.

We always have fun.