Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hiking in Red Rock

We've been wanting to take Taylor hiking in Red Rock for months now, but we always seem to find some excuse so we don't go (too hot, too windy, too tired, etc.). We finally made it out to the canyon on Sunday. We had a great time exploring the desert together.
Greg and Taylor waiting to head up the mountain. Aren't the red rocks awesome!

Family self portrait.

Taylor chillin in her super cool backpack. Thanks Kok family for the terrific gift. Taylor absolutely loves the pack and Greg doesn't mind it either.

Taylor and Dad stopping for a break. Taylor was so funny on this hike. She hung out the side of the pack the entire trip. She kept pointing to things and saying ooooooh. I am fearful that she will be a nature guide when she grows up. On the bright side, she does look good in green.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

2 Minutes

I leave Taylor alone for 2 minutes so I can go to the bathroom and I come out and this is what I see. She is eating trash! Greg and I definitely deserve to win parents of the year. We've had trouble with the trashcan for a few weeks. Taylor would love to stand up and pull trash out of it. So brilliantly we decide to buy a new trash can, with a lid. It never crossed out mind that Taylor would just pull the trashcan down. Like I said, parents of the year!

Mother's Day

We had a great Mother's Day. In the morning my parents and Nicole came over for brunch. Later on in the day we went over to Greg's parents house for some more yummy food and some swimming.The happy family. Taylor loved sitting in this raft.
Taylor and Abby getting ready to take a dip.

The new moms and their babies.
After the pool the girls took a bath together. Taylor crawled around and splashed. Abby was a little scared, this was her first big tub bath. I'm sure there will be many more baths to come.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Every Spring we travel to Utah to spend 3 splendid days with some friends and family in Zion National Park. This was Taylor's first camping trip. She did great. She truly loves the outdoors. Group Shot!

On our way to go hiking. Isn't Zion beautiful! It is less than 3 hours away. We really should go more often.
Uncle Dan and Taylor playing at the campsite. It was so nice to have a lot of friends and family their on our first camping trip. Taylor loved all the attention.

The pack n play came in very handy on the trip. Taylor loved playing in it with all her toys that we lugged up with us (we should have taken a picture of the truck, it was loaded to the max).

Family photo! Taylor looks really scared, but she wasn't.

And yes, beer pong loves Zion too. Not many people take their beer pong tables to national parks, but then again, we are not most people.

9 Months Old

Our little one turned 9 months on the 31st. Here are her recent stats.
Height: 27 3/4 inches
Weight: 18.8 pounds
Loves: baths, books, food, and her family (especially Kitty)