Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful time spending Christmas with the Jacobs Family. We went to Grandpa Don and Grandma Becky's for Brunch. Then we went to Jeff and Kate's house for Dinner. Once again we ate too much and opened up too many presents on Christmas. Taylor and Mom opening up presents early Christmas morning.Taylor playing in her new jumper that Santa brought her.Mom and her little reindeer at Grandma Becky's house.
Playing the new Guitar Hero at Cousin Abby's house.

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at Grandpa Ron and Grandma Pam's house. We had a wonderful dinner and opened up a lot of gifts. Taylor crashed as soon as we began opening up the presents.
The best gift ever!

Taylor in her new bunny step stool from the Prentice Family.

Grandma Pam stitched this beautiful blanket for Taylor.

Big Bear

We went up to Jill and Roger's Big Bear house a few days before Christmas to visit and to pick up Grandpa Fred. We had a great time playing in the snow. Taking a walk around the neighborhood.
We built a snowman in the front yard.

The girls playing Monopoly.

Grandma Pam and Taylor all bundled up ready to take a walk in the snow.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Must be Santa! Must be Santa!

After miraculously getting to spend a weekday with Mom and Dad thanks to a 30 year blizzard, Taylor was treated to her very first meeting with Jolly Old St. Nicholas. Taylor wowed everybody, as she smiled on her very first picture. Apparenly 4 month olds aren't supposed to be very cooperative, when it comes to staged photos. When Santa Asked Taylor what she wanted for Christmas, Taylor replied only with an ounce of drool and some gibberish. Hopefully, Santa will come through on that request.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Taylor can sit up....well almost

Taylor loves to sit up now. She is still very shaky, so we use the boppy to help her stay balanced.

Let it Snow and Snow and Snow

On Wednesday we got about 4 inches of snow at our house. Miracles do happen! Even better, the school district canceled school on Thursday. Yeah for snow days.
Family self portrait out in the snow.
Taylor and mom in the snow. She wasn't too fond of it. As you can see the snow was really coming down.Our backyard was covered.
The Las Vegas Valley looked so beautiful with the snow everywhere. Hopefully it will snow like this every year.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cookie Party

Taylor, Mom, and Grandma went to a cookie party on the weekend and had a ball. If you've never heard of a cookie party, you're missing out. You bring a load of one kind of cookie to the party. You swap your cookies for a variety of others. You come home with a nice variety, and you didn't need to follow 10 recipes to do it. I love it!

The whole group ready to dive into the cookies.
Don't they look yummy!

Taylor and her new friend Cobalt. Isn't he a cutie?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Breakfast Club 2: Rice Cereal Shenanigans

On Friday, Taylor's doctor gave her toe thumbs up to start eating solid foods. Saturday morning, Mommy decided to do just that. It appears that Mom and Dad are more excited about rice cereal than Taylor was.
Steffie gets a loving spoonful of rice cereal and formula ready for Taylor to enjoy.
From the look on her face, you can tell that Taylor is really enjoying her first taste of solidity.
We're assuming that at least some of the meal went into Taylor's tummy. We'll know in a day or two, for sure.
No comment needed. We promise you'll like it when we get to jarred fruit.

It's beginning to look a lot like Taylor's 1st Christmas

On Thanksgiving weekend, We all decided to decorate the house for Christmas. Taylor demanded payment of one candy cane for her decorating services. As we would later see, her skills in tree decorating are well worth the fee. Taylor and Steffie getting ready to decorate the tree.
Taylor chose the very popular ornament from the U.S. Virgin Islands. This is, no doubt, her way of telling us that we should go on a cruise this summer. I like her thinking.

The Jacobs family poses in front of the first tree that they decorated as a family for the first time ever.